Early establishment of a self-sufficient community in Geelong’s Western Growth Area

The early developments within the precinct would have access to a range of community infrastructure and facilities including playgroups, childcare centres, bowls club, along with a range of active and passive open space all located within two kilometres of the precinct.

McCanns Lane believe the sub-regional activity centre represents an outstanding opportunity to deliver one of Geelong’s premier activity centres. With the ownership of the centre, McCanns Lane look forward to working with Council to deliver community facilities adjacent to, or co-located with the sub- regional activity centre. We see the potential to create a vibrant and engaging space at this location from an early stage using a design that starts small and flexible but can scale up and adapt to the growing community. The aim is to create a strong community hub feel that builds over the initial years and continues as the activity centre achieves scale.

Our first stage will see construction of the initial portion of the clever and creative corridor adjacent to the sub-regional activity centre.

The Framework Plan recommends community infrastructure provision in the McCanns Lane Precinct will include a Multi-Purpose Community Centre, Integrated Children’s Centre (early learning centre, kindergarten, maternal & child health), Cultural Hub, Health & Wellbeing Hub, Police & Justice Centre, two primary schools, one secondary school and a network of active and passive open spaces.

It can also be reasonably expected that open space (passive and/or active) will be provided at a relatively early stage of development.