Prioritising active & public transport over car based transport

Key local roads and shared paths/active transport links within the precinct will connect to the clever and creative corridor which further links to public open spaces.

The McCanns Lane precinct also contains a complete loop of the clever and creative corridor that is connected with the Hamilton Highway.

The clever and creative corridor will provide a core spine of active and public transport throughout the precinct. Additionally, the waterway design provides a strong active transport linkage through the core of the precinct linking with the clever and creative corridor, the sub-regional activity centre and key social infrastructure.

The concept master plan is dissected by green spaces and corridors, that are designed to support the integrity of the precinct’s natural values through a landscaping strategy that incorporates careful consideration of canopy, mid-storey and ground cover planting and water sensitive urban design.

The concept master plan has been designed to ensure that there are concentrations of higher density living and key destinations along the public and active transport spines to support the viability of these modes at an early stage of subdivision.

The concept master plan includes stops that cater for ‘transit and bike’ and ‘park and pedal’ trips that make it easy for people to change transport modes and utilise public or active transport for at least part of any longer journey that they have to make.

Important destinations will include iconic, memorable structures that serve as bike shelters and charging points for electric bikes and scooters to emphasise the status of active transport.