McCanns Lane is set to explore a wide variety of innovations and sustainability measures with Council during the preparation of the precinct structure plan.
However, at this point in time McCanns Lane has identified the follow matters of specific interest to them.
- Zero carbon – working towards finding a pathway to achieve net zero emissions at a neighbourhood level. This will include subdivisional layout refinements and design guidelines for building construction alongside investigating neighbourhood scale battery storage and other renewable energy opportunities. We will be working in collaboration with local partners to achieve this goal.
- Social and affordable housing – partnering with a Registered Housing Agency to directly deliver a mix of social and affordable housing within the precinct.
- Smart cities – providing base infrastructure to facilitate smart technology implementation. We will ensure early provision of high-speed digital access. We will also aim for electric vehicle charging points to be provided throughout the development.
- Tree canopy – establishing a minimum of 25% street tree canopy cover throughout the precinct and implementing passive irrigation systems for streetscape trees.
- Cultural heritage – waterways will be designed for story telling through interpretive signage along shared paths through the precinct.
- Circular economy – using recycled materials in subdivision construction such as road pavements, landscape features and street furniture. There is also the opportunity to incorporate a minimum recycled material content in building construction.
- Innovation/smart work hub – exploring the possibility of the sub-regional activity centre incorporating an innovation/smart work hub.