Aligning McCanns Lane with Geelong’s Clever & Creative vision

The City of Greater Geelong’s Clever and Creative strategy focuses on key matters of economic prosperity, tourism and employment, enhancing and protecting its environment, social and economic equity, culture and art, transport and internet connectivity, and future leadership.

The ‘Northern and Western Geelong Growth Areas Framework Plan’ furthers Council’s ‘Clever and Creative’ vision by providing a strategic framework that intends to guide urban growth within the two growth areas that supports the community’s shared vision and:

  • Represents the Clever and Creative future of our city
  • Protects and enhances the natural environment
  • Establishes a vibrant and walkable neighbourhood
  • Encourages job creation and growth of our local economy
  • Enables access and movement and
  • Delivers great places to live as part of the Geelong community

McCanns Lane is committed to continuing its established close partnership with Council to progress the delivery of the McCanns Lane Precinct Structure Plan having regard to these objectives.

McCanns Lane has demonstrated that it has substantially progressed a comprehensive, rational, innovative, progressive, sustainable, and vibrant concept master plan for the McCanns Lane Precinct, which can be viewed here.